October 10, 2016

Break in the silence, an AMV to get me dancing.

Sorry for the silence.  Life is distracting.  Work, family, then sleep has been my day recently.  But I just had to share this AMV.

Posted by: Tom Tjarks at 04:53 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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March 07, 2016

What kind of relationship do Orga and Mika have?

"Not Yet Home" has an interesting encounter between the two. Mika was almost a demon... no, that's not right.  Frequently in the series, there have been brief flashback images to an event in their past involving the killing of another person. It's heavily alluded to in both the ED and OP of the early episodes as well as during the show. With today's episode though, Mika approached Orga and demanded direction on who to kill, what to destroy, as a way to get Orga out of his funk from the events of the previous two episodes.  It was so strong and direct, it painted Mika in a much different light from the quiet figure we have seen of him outside the cockpit.  It reminded me of several different character tropes from fantasy novels where there are berserkers or strong fighters that intentionally enter slavery to someone so that they can make use of their powers and still have a rational focus to their use.

I want to know more of their history.  I want to know if this is Barbados and the A-V system amplifying this, or if this was something more deep seated in Mika's psyche.  

Posted by: Tom Tjarks at 05:19 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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January 26, 2016

Current Season Shows 1/26

Life is keeping me busy elsewhere, but I wanted to briefly touch on a few shows I'm following.

Erased (Boku Dake ga Inai Machi): Beautiful animation, compelling story, and interesting characters.  This show is gonna make me throw my tablet across the room in a couple of episodes when bad things happen, but I am very much enjoying it.

Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash:  A watercolor painting of teens learning to survive in a fantasy world. It's abusing the amnesia trope, but the characters continue to be interesting.  Slow moving, but that works for the show.

BBK/BBNK: More typical action fare, but the show has me wanting to know more about the world with each episode. Some excellent character designs, but big mechs keep me watching too.

Myriad Colors Phantom World: While the design and art are right up my alley, they're losing me in the story.  It's not compelling enough and I keep feeling like I'm gonna stop watching the next episode. Not sure how I feel on this one long term.

Phantasy Star Online 2: The animation - I keep watching because it's Phantasy Star, but could they be more obvious about being a commercial?

Schwarzes Marken and Divine Gate:  Looks great (heck, I've not seen a poorly animated show yet this season), but too much introspection and dark thoughts on these to really compel me to continue watching.  Some of these characters could out-brood Batman.

Dagashi Kashi: I went into this one expecting a comedy series.. I got an extended commercial.Not for me I guess.

There it is, the ten minute rundown of my Hulu and Crunchyroll queues. Very happy to be watching a lot of anime again.  It is my favorite media to devour on a regular basis, and I had been in a bit of a drought in 2010-2014. Part of that was that I fell out with torrents and the grey area they presented. But I digress.  That discussion can be in a separate post.

Posted by: Tom Tjarks at 05:43 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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January 22, 2016

Erased ep 3: Birthmark

This show is going to leave me in tears, but I am really enjoying it.  I'm serious.  It is well written, acted, and animated.  


Posted by: Tom Tjarks at 05:33 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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January 15, 2016

Blue butterfly watch.

Right now, Erased is standing out as my favorite story this season.  Just the right mix of mystery and revelations in the first two episodes. 

Posted by: Tom Tjarks at 01:10 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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January 11, 2016

New anime?

 Checked my Crunchyroll last night and found that a whole bunch of new series had been posted.  Lots of interesting Sci-fi/alternate world stuff. Here's my quick notes:

Divine Gate: Could be interesting, though it might be an episode or two for it to get interesting.

Myriad Colors Phantom World: Looks like an interesting ghost hunting show, but the fanservice is a bit over the top.  I used to not mind fanservice, but I've changed over time.  Still gonna give it a couple of episodes.

Schwarzes Marken: Giant mecha anime against an implacable alien foe.  Twist: This is cold war East Germany where there are informants around every corner.  Could be interesting, could be too dark for my frame of mind lately.  Looks very good animation wise.

BBK/BRNK: I think this was the most intriguing starter with a very otherworldly opener to a more typical second half.  Very beautiful and high quality animation.  Kept thinking of Chrome Shelled Regios for some reason during the second half.

Phantasy Star Online 2: The Animation - Should be labelled PSO2 the commercial.  Seiga Academy?  Once the initial cold open ended, I was shaking my head at every improbability this one threw at us.  While I'll give them credit for not using the 'can't wake up from MMO' that had been used so much recently (SAO, .hack).  Being a big fan of the early Phantasy Star and Phantasy Star Online games, I was hoping for more. Sadly this episode let me down.  I'll watch one more but it's got to pack a punch for me to not drop it.

Just discovered on Hulu:  Assassination Classroom S2 (yay!), Pandora in the Crimson Shell (Shirow?  interesting), Luck & Logic, Haruta & Chika, Girls beyond the Wasteland.  

Lots of promise this session.  Even more so, lots of really beautiful animation.  Makes me wonder if there is a larger investment in simulcast shows this season, or if tech and skill have caught up with what people wanted to output.

Posted by: Tom Tjarks at 06:14 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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January 08, 2016

Anyone watch an show because of a well done AMV?

Watched Redline last night because of this music video.  

I was not disappointed.

Posted by: Tom Tjarks at 05:30 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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November 30, 2015

Weekly followup on what I'm watching.

So I'm still plowing along with pretty much the same series:

Record of Asterix War
Chivalry of a Failed Knight
Gundam: Iron Blood Orphans
One Punch Man

Record and Chivalry come out on the same night and still leave me confused on which details came from which series.  But yet I still watch.  I was thinking back and it would seem that part of it is why I like the Phantasy Star Online series of games.  Pretty, flashy weapons made of energy and a sci-fi setting.  

Iron Blood Orphans, oh heck, I just realized all four of these shows all hit on Sunday on Hulu and Crunchyroll...  Orphans still resonates with me.  All the characters feel well developed and I like where the story is going.  Can't wait to see where the Barbados leads the Tekkadan ship next. Also one of my favorite intro songs this season.  I keep sitting through it every episode when I skip all the others aside from One Punch.

One Punch Man still amuses me.  It's taken a bit of a darker turn but given the manga, that is expected. It is still beautifully animated and one of my favorite watches of the season.

Oh, and I've added Concrete Reolutio to my list.  It feels like a 1960s superhero show, or a little like the older Gate Keepers series which I also enjoyed.  There's a bit of jumping around in the show foreshadowing a betrayal or split, but it is all working so far.  Very vibrant too. 

Posted by: Tom Tjarks at 05:46 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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I'm trying to decide if this series is a ridiculous mishmash, or just plain lucky.

Issac and Miram are idiots though.

Posted by: Tom Tjarks at 05:30 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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November 24, 2015

A brief AMV

Anime has been good this year.  Not perfect, as some of my weekly notes might show, but good enough.  Here's a great AMV of 2015's shows:

Posted by: Tom Tjarks at 08:08 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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November 09, 2015

Weekly show followups

So I enjoy talking about anime, at least here I do.  Don't have many people I can chat with in person currently.  So... onwards!

Chivalry of a Failed Asterix War... wait, no...  Asterix Knight of the Failed War?  Both these shows have some great ideas, but I can't help but get them confused.  So far, the only significant difference I've found is that one protagonist has dark brown or black hair and the other has light purple hair. Both shows come out on the same night and have red headed co-protagonists. (Is that even a word?)  Art wise, I still enjoy what I see but I'm mostly just watching the episodes to see if they go somewhere interesting.  Chivalry is actually doing a bit better, but I still don't like how they're overdoing the harem.  Asterix War has some good ideas, but is muddled plot wise.  

Heavy Object: Largely dropped.  The first the episodes captured the essence of the manga I read several years ago.  Now as a reward for surviving a fight they should have, the protagonists get to do it again?  I might be more interested in the series if the background for all the fighting made sense, but as of ep 4, it's just an excuse to put the trio into weirder fights than the last.  Might revisit at completion of the broadcast.

One Punch Man: I keep hitting refresh waiting for this one to drop.  I"m still not fond of the later manga story and may drop it after the first season finished, but I'm still enjoying the early absurdity.

Beautiful Bones: I like where this is going, but my mood hasn't been great so I've not been watching it.  Hope to pick it up more later.  Hope they drop the 'putting her gloves on while skeletons walk around her' scene at the start of every investigation.  

Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron Blood Orphans:  It's moving slowly in terms of plot, but I'm enjoying the cast they've built here.  There's a political plotline here that has promise, but I'm not going to wait forever. Who'm I kidding, it's mecha fighting.  Of course I'm gonna watch. Another show I look forward to the new episode to hit.

Comet Lucifer: Dropped until I hear it being talked about more.

I would like to say that Hulu Plus has been a worthwhile investment this fall.  Timely posting of episodes, lots of other episodes to watch as well (I'm getting to rewatch the original Dirty Pair. )  The no-ads monthly subscription is long overdue and for now, worth it.

Posted by: Tom Tjarks at 08:44 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Thoughts - The Irregular Magic at High School

I finally finished watching the last six episodes of this series on Netflix last night and I come away from it with mixed feelings.  I liked a lot about the story and setting and it did many things right, but it had some missteps that really hurt it.  There might be lots of spoilers below, so read on at your own risk.

Posted by: Tom Tjarks at 07:06 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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October 13, 2015

Some brief notes before the workday begins

so the first episode of Chivalry of A Failed Knight was pretty good despite feeling like they had borrowed part of the plot of The Irregular Magic at High School.  Episode two has me almost running away from the series. They managed to squeeze in every possible harem meet up trope they could in this one.  I'm over exaggerating of course, but despite having started my anime career loving Tenchi Muyo, I'm pretty much over the harem plots. I don't mind a couple of intersecting possible romances here and there, but so far we have a sort of tsundere, an younger sister, an old school friend, and possibly one more. This one has about two episodes to balance itself out before I drop it.

One Punch Man is delightfully absurd and wonderfully animated. Cant wait for episode three. 

Still waiting for more Heavy Object.

Watched Comet Lucifer.  Almost turned it off again after the OP played. Too shrill.   First two episodes weren't bad.  I'm going to give it a few more episodes as well.

Posted by: Tom Tjarks at 12:15 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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October 07, 2015

Random anime...

Hulu suggested Assassination Classroom to me and I had seen some clips of it's absurd moments.  It's been a down kind of day so I figured a laugh could do me some good.  

After 2 episodes, I have to say I'm intrigued.  It has some downright funny/absurd moments and some interesting drama too.  I think I'm hooked.

Posted by: Tom Tjarks at 10:59 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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October 06, 2015

My earworm for the day...


Posted by: Tom Tjarks at 09:35 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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October 05, 2015

End of Summer season thoughts

Another post, hopefully a little more in depth.


Rokka Braves of the Six Flowers
Classroom Crisis
Himouto! Umaru-chan
God Eater

Conclusion for those who want the short notes was that there were some series that brought me back into the anime fold again after being away for some years.  There were some big misses too. More after the jump.

Posted by: Tom Tjarks at 06:39 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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July 21, 2015

Quick thoughts on new shows.

Charlotte has my eye, but im not sure what kind of series im in for.

Rokka looks to be an interesting fantasy story.  

Not much else on my radar at this time.

Punch Line was interesting at first but it fell apart in a few episodes.  Ending was mediocre at best. 

Posted by: Tom Tjarks at 09:09 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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May 18, 2015


 One should not read all of Uzumaki in one sitting....

(No really, this is not a joke.  That series is up there with the Centipede movies.)

Posted by: Tom Tjarks at 01:21 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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May 17, 2015

Lots of watching on Crunchyroll lately.

Started to continue Majestic Prince, but then saw an ad for Akame fans Kill.  I've discovered that I've been liking it so far.  Nifty story of a warrior who falls in with an assassination unit of a revolutionary army.  

Edit: then I hit episode six... Whoa. 

Posted by: Tom Tjarks at 07:03 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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May 15, 2015

Anime watched recently...

Garagntia of the Verdanious Planet 
Magi The Labrynth of Magic
Valvrave The Liberator

More notes in a bit, but the first three have been fun to watch.

Posted by: Tom Tjarks at 12:01 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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